Eighth Grade Mathematics

Eighth grade completes a comprehensive Algebra I curriculum using Core Connections Algebra, a CPM text. The approach of this curriculum is for students to make connections, discover relationships, determine multiple strategies to solve problems, and explain their thinking. In math at GMS, students are asked to think in order to problem solve, not just memorize algorithms. Additionally, emphasis is placed on making mistakes as a critical part of the learning process. Students participate in a combination of group investigations, whole class discussions, and independent practice.

Units of Study

Unit 1: Functions

Unit 2: Linear Relationships

Unit 3: Simplifying and Solving

Unit 4: Systems of Equations

Unit 5: Sequences

Unit 6: Modeling Two Variable Data

Unit 7: Exponential Functions

Unit 8: Quadratic Functions

Unit 9: Solving Complex Equations

Unit 10: Functions and Data